The Gift of Community

Last night some dear friends gathered at my home and gifted me an African drum. It touched my heart on many levels. But mostly, it is an invitation to join in community with them, the traditions and conversations of local and global drum circles which are as ancient as life itself. Drumming can be used as a tool for artful creation, balance and healing. For me, the drum and its gift are also gentle reminders to connect with my tender loving self. They showed me how to hold it, feel into it and honor it. The djembe drum is beautifully hand-carved from hardwood and the drumhead is made of untreated rawhide.

From Wikipedia:

According to the Bambara people in Mali, the name of the djembe comes from the saying “Anke djé, anke bé” which translates to “everyone gather together in peace” and defines the drum’s purpose.

Who can ask for more? As I believe that the gift is in the giving, it was truly wonder-full to see  the light on their faces as my own face lit up when I opened their gift. The circle of giving and receiving, love and friendship, drum circles and community is the treasure. As my friend Robin would say “I am forever grateful.”


in the dark of night a quiet conversation with my hands



Friendship ~ Mindful Writing Challenge #12

Today I received thoughtful and loving gifts from a dear friend – Marsie as well as gifts in the name and spirit of my longtime soul-sister and beloved friend Robin who passed a short time ago. Marsie and Robin were soulmates and partners for 18 years. We ‘Sistahs’ had frolicking good times together as well as sharing the pain and losses that come with a lifetime of friendship, growth and healing. It was my first birthday without Robin cheering me on, and so the grief rises and ebbs in tidal waves each time I experience a first this-or-that without her. Birthdays were true celebrations to Robin, and this meant championing all of her loved one’s life-gifts and achievements. She was my greatest cheerleader and recognized the budding artist in my soul long before me. Even as a poet, I cannot put into words how grateful I am for our time together, or how much I miss her. Today though, I truly felt her and Marsie’s love in the sweet and special gifts that Marsie chose, bundled and mailed to me. In Robin’s words ~ I am “forever grateful” to both of you. It is through any and all creative endeavors, I am returning the love.

the brilliance
of love’s creation

ag ~ 2013